Brain Squeezins:

The Mad Scribbler’s Ink!

Remember: Writers write!

We do what we do because that is who we are – if we were something else, well then I guess we would do something else. I’m not espousing any great inner philosophy, or revealing any secret-sauce of ‘the writer’s mind.’

We write – that’s it – well that… and we’re all kinda weirdly odd or oddly weird, which ever you prefer.

I’m interested in a great-many things – most of which would be considered the ponderings of the creative side of the brain. Writing happens to be one of them.

Dave Scott is simply a pen-name that I’ve decided to use for most of my future public scribblings. I have a tons of projects in the works, both huge-ungus and tiny, with thankfully some completed. My time gets kinda nuts because I do have a day-job that goes alongside my 14.2 billion side projects, but I’ll update the blog ramblings as often as possible. A big plus is that Flash Fiction, my new fav format, allows for [fire-away] type writing, so this should be fun.

Anyway, I hold hope that via this blog in conjunction with other social sites, I will find like-minded people to discuss these brain squishings we all have as writers.

Copyright & NSFW?

Alright, curious cats and inquiring minds, you’ve asked and yes, it’s true! Every single one of my creative brainchildren is safely tucked away under the watchful eye of the US Copyright Office. So, hands off the cookie jar, folks! Or at least, pretty please, ask before you snag a cookie. And hey, while most of my writings are as clean as a whistle, a few might just surprise you with a naughty word or two – just a little spice in the mix! But fear not, I solemnly swear, no NSFW images will ever make an appearance on my watch.

Keep it weird, but keep it safe!

All the scribblings are works of fiction, therefore names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of my whacked out M&M induced imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons or pets, living or dead (to include the undead / zombies / vampires / yetis / flying flaming fruit-bats etc.), or actual events is purely coincidental and should be considered really fR@ck1n’ weird.

My legal representation for all packages : The Law Offices of Elsa Ramo

Copyright © Dave Scott Scribbler, All Rights Reserved