On the Precipice [112] Words

This was in response to a Challenge at The Prose

The basis of the challenge: The year is 2076. You have just learned that the newly elected President of Earth is not a human, and you are the only person who knows.

As usual I wanted to add a little humor in here so I skipped the small detail of “just learned” so I could have a little believably on the ‘murder weapon.’


I couldn’t believe my eyes, but I knew what I saw.

So why am I still mentally wrestling myself?

I have exactly thirty seconds left before these two gigantic World Security officers, guarding the imposter, suspect something…

My hand reaches but pauses less than an inch from the door handle.

It took seven months, but I gained access to “it.”

One hand in mid-air above the handle; the other grips the bottle of orange juice.

In unison, both of the officer’s heads turn toward me, their eyes narrowing.

Go now!

Opening the door, I throw the orange juice across the room.

He melts, I get shot.

Now everyone knows; totally worth it.


Copyright © Dave Scott Scribbler, All Rights Reserved