Case #207 [1317] Words

This was in response to one of Chuck Wendig’s Flash Fiction Challenges.
You can find the challenge link here.

The Supremo PenMonkey put out a great one – it was a choose (random or not) from a huge list of sub-genres, conflicts and “must features.” I ended up with Lovecraftian : Heist gone wrong! : Carnival Folk. Saweeeeet combo! I really enjoyed writing this – thanks Chuck.


East Mosswell Florida PD [no assist]
New-Case #207, January 11th 2012
Document #207-1
Activity: Breaking/Entering with Civilian Protection Force Shooting
Reporting Officer: Sgt. Jim Tilly (acting Sheriff)

Around 11:30am today a robbery was possibly stopped by a civilian who fired a shot in public. The discharged weapon fire was determined lawful with no charges pressed on the shooter.

Every business up and down Main St. was closed today because of the Carnival’s opening day celebration. The “Twisty Top Carnival” setup their wares on the far side of town on the high school football field. This carnival, unlike any other that has visited East Mosswell, has a reputation that precedes it. Whispers from neighboring towns spoke of odd occurrences during their stay: animals behaving erratically, electronic devices malfunctioning, and even some folks claiming to have seen shadows moving on their own during the carnival’s nightly performances. The main attraction, aside from the usual rides and games, is their “Hall of Unearthly Delights,” a tent that promises sights from beyond our world. Since the Carnival is only to be in town for the next 3 days, the local paper had said that most of East Mosswell was going to attend the celebration. Because about 350 of our 418 town’s population was down at the Carnival site, full police presence (both Officer Peterson and myself) was required.

At 11:25am SHANE ALBERT, 32, 6’1”, DL-565-2587-44, concealed weapons permit #70BW25, 1520 Zane Rd, who is part of our official town’s “Safety Outlook Program” which is a local branch of the state’s Civil Protection Force, was late walking to the Carnival when he witnessed what he described as a “mass of shapeless forms” exiting the back of the SunHope bank. When he thought a crime was taking place he ran forward and shouted several warnings when he said the “mass of forms” turned and “a part of it” seemed to charge him. That is when he discharged his legally owned and registered 9mm handgun. The “form” recoiled then regrouped with the rest of “the mass” and retreated to the North – Shane did not take up chase. During questioning Shane seemed uncharacteristically unnerved by the event. He is adamant that he hit the charging “blob.” I personally know Shane from both the town’s softball league and hunting club and vouch for his character and marksmanship.


Document #207-2 (Crime Scene Summary / Evidentiary Material)
Case #207, January 11th 2012
Reporting Officer: Sgt. Jim Tilly

No fingerprints, no fibers, no anything could be found at the location of the SunHope bank. The only evidence left on the scene was a lot of off-white-color viscous water. The expended shell was retrieved by the back door where Shane fired his shot. The back door, the safety deposit box cage and 12 safety deposit boxes were all opened with considerable force and violence but with no discernible tools – all of the surfaces were covered with the thick water including all of the security cameras. No footage could be retrieved. The bank records show nothing was taken. The only other “material” found was by the back door; a blue-to-pink liquid puddle that thins via a northerly trail. A request (#207-3) was placed with the county’s lab to do a chemical identification on the sticky water and colored liquid.


Document #207-3a (Addendum to Chemical Identification Request)
Case #207, January 12th 2012
Reporting Officer: Sgt. Jim Tilly

The county returned our request stating that since nobody was killed the county can’t afford the expense. I’d like to formally state that I think they are a bunch of cheap sonsabitches. A crime took place, me and Peterson have to do our jobs why don’t they?
[case closed]


Document #207-4 [Re-opened] [WM PD Assist] (Witness Questioned)
Case #207, January 26th 2012
Reporting Officer: Sgt. Jim Tilly

My brother Lt. John Tilly about 55 miles away over in West Mosswell picked up and questioned Ardel Owen A.K.A. “Fishboy” who works for the “Twisty Top Carnival” which happens to be in that town this weekend. The below attachment is the description and summary of the testimony provided.

Description: ARDEL OWEN A.K.A. “Fishboy,” 19, 5’3”, no verifiable ID, no address as he travels with the “Twisty Top Carnival” as a “freak” performer. He has a unique appearance, one that’s disturbing even for me. His eyes are black where the white should be, they are both overly large and are two different sizes. His skin is a slick and very pale white, even his lips are too wide and bulbous. His right hand is the worst as it is more of a fin than a hand ’cause there are no visible fingers. Why do people pay to see this? I wish I hadn’t ever met this kid.

Summary: We picked up Owen riding his bicycle back from the “Cash4Junk Pawn” on the report that he was pawning flagged-as-stolen merchandise. When questioned, Ardel stated he was selling the stuff because his uncle needed bandages and medicine for an infected wound A.S.A.P. When I further questioned why his uncle just didn’t go to a hospital he said that “he looks like me.” I figured I’d drop it. When we looked up the docket on the stolen goods we realized it was from 1926. Since it was less than $50 of non-returnable material we released him.


Document #207-5 (Witness Questioned)
Case #207, January 27th 2012
Reporting Officer: Sgt. Jim Tilly

I drove over to West Mosswell and questioned the owner of “Twisty Top Carnival” at his request. The Carnival was starting to pack up. It seemed that every carny eye was on me as I walked to the main tent. The owner, EDGAR RAIM, 87, ~5’7”, no verifiable ID and no address, told me he knew what “they” were after in the robbery in my town. He showed me a small green amulet of what looked like a squid head. He said he keeps it in local safety deposit boxes wherever they stop because he is afraid at his advanced age they may just take it from him – he said the object is what keeps them employed. He wouldn’t give any names but when asked how I could help, he only told me to keep the amulet. Assuming Raim had mental stability problems I saw no harm in it.


New-Case #208, January 30th 2012
Document #208-1
Activity: Breaking/Entering (Missing Person)
Reporting Officer: Officer Felix Peterson (Acting Chief)

SGT. JIM TILLY’S home was broken into late Jan 27th. No evidentiary material was found except a large amount of thick water leading either in or out of his front door. Sgt. Tilly is missing.


Document #208-2 (Internal Memo) Case #208, February 8th, 2012 Reporting Officer: Officer Felix Peterson (Acting Chief)

In light of the recent events surrounding Case #207 and the subsequent disappearance of Sgt. Jim Tilly in Case #208, I’ve received numerous inquiries from both the press and concerned citizens. There are rumors circulating about the “Twisty Top Carnival” and its potential involvement in these incidents. I’d like to officially state that while the circumstances surrounding Sgt. Tilly’s disappearance are indeed mysterious, we have no concrete evidence linking the carnival or its employees to any wrongdoing.

Furthermore, I’ve been informed by higher-ups that the county is sending a special investigative team to assist with the case. Until their arrival, I urge all officers to refrain from discussing details with the public or media. We owe it to Sgt. Tilly and his family to handle this matter with the utmost professionalism and discretion.

Lastly, regarding the amulet that was reportedly left in Sgt. Tilly’s possession: I’ve conducted a thorough search of his belongings and our evidence lockers, but the amulet is nowhere to be found. Its whereabouts remain unknown at this time.

Let’s keep our focus on the task at hand and ensure the safety and security of East Mosswell’s residents.

[End of memo]


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