Flash Fiction

Welcome to my treasure trove of Flash Fiction fables, where brevity is the soul of wit! What’s Flash Fiction, you ask? Imagine a literary sneeze – quick, surprising, and leaves an impression! These bite-sized stories range from the ‘grand’ 1000-word full Flash Fiction, to the snackable 200-word Drabbles, and occasionally, the teeny-tiny 50-word Dribble that’s like a hiccup in story form. I adore this format; it’s like a literary agility course, keeping me nimble and spry.

From time to time, I plunge into the deep end of writing challenges, and voilà, some of these stories are the amusing results of that literary belly flop. It’s like aiming for a swan dive and ending up with a splash that’s more duck than swan!

Buckle up for a whirlwind tour through tales short enough to read in the time it takes to polish off a hotdog!


[400] Words : @./Journey-Within/.@

[153] Words : Aaaaaw, Come On!

[425] Words : As the Tolls Bell…

[1317] Words : Case #207

[1035] Words : Creepy Freaking Clowns

[1260] Words : Criminal Activity

[50] Words : Daemons

[100] Words : Daily Experiment

[1000] Words : Deliver this…

[997] Words : Down to go Up…

[1600] Words : 1976, Innocence Lost

[20] Words : I still love her

[280] Words : My Own Name…

[112] Words : On the Precipice

[25] Words : Only 25

[710] Words : Personal Log: CWO Travers

[407] Words : Punkins

[470] Words : Senior Staff Sought for Game Studio

[513] Words : Unmistakable Manifestation

[850] Words : Unplanned Renewal

[100] Words : Wake up…

[300] Words : Watching the Skies…

[300] Words : What the who?